Women In Networking Makes Donation to Child Network
Women In Networking, a committee of the Kankakee County Chamber of Commerce, made a donation of $1,300 to Child Network at their last luncheon on March 10, 2022. These funds were raised by the participants of Women in Networking events. A check was presented to Kristin Jackson, Executive Director, of Child Network.
Child Network is a non-profit agency working in Kankakee and Iroquois Counties to improve the response to child sexual & physical abuse and to advocate for the best interest of abused & neglected children in the juvenile court system.
The Children's Advocacy Center coordinates law enforcement, DCFS, prosecution, mental health providers, medical providers, and victim advocates in the investigation of child abuse cases. The center conducts child focused, trauma-informed forensic interviews and provides advocacy services and referrals to children and their families.
Court Appointed Special Advocates was created to ensure that the abuse and neglect children suffer at home doesn't continue at the hands of the child welfare system. As trained advocates, CASA volunteers are appointed by the juvenile court judge to be the voice for these children. CASA volunteers work to ensure that children are placed into safe, loving homes where they can thrive.
Pictured in the photo from left to right are: Ashley Villarreal, President & CEO of the Kankakee County Chamber of Commerce, Kristin Jackson, Executive Director of Child Network, Mary Thomson, WIN Committee member, and Amber Turner, WIN Committee member.
To find out more about Child Network, go to their website: https://www.childnetwork.org/