“Sand and sediment flow into the river, and being caught by fallen trees, begin to form a sand bar, turning the sand bar into an island, and redirecting the flow of water.”
According to conference organizers Frank Koehler and Angel Crawford, “the time is now to address these challenges and protect the areas’ greatest asset – the Kankakee River
With the theme “The Time is Now”, a one-day conference on the Kankakee River will be held on Friday, March 10th , 8:30 AM-5:00 PM on the campus of Kankakee Community College. Issues that will be discussed include Water Quantity and Quality, Biodiversity, Nutrients and Agriculture, River Recreation, Watershed Initiatives, and most importantly, Sand and Sediment.
There is no fee to attend, but
individuals are asked to register oh line Lunch and refreshments will be
provided to attendees.
Registration and conference schedule are available at Kankakee Community College – Continuing Education. Course Detail: LECT-7045 –Kankakee River Watershed Conference. The QR code below will take
you to the online registration site.