There are two grant opportunities available through Illinois DCEO that you may be interested in. Please see below and the links to find additional information.
The Tourism Private Sector Grant - To provide grants for the purpose of attracting, hosting and developing new events and festivals in Illinois or enhancing existing festivals and events. Grantees must be able to match grant award dollar-for dollar; however, up to 25% of the required match may be substituted with in-kind contributions. Costs associated with hosting existing or repeat events and festivals will not be eligible unless documentation can be provided that the event was secured in direct competition with other states or significant enhancements will be made to the event or festival to increase the attendance from travel outside 50 miles.
More information here:
Tourism Attraction Grant - The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is issuing this Notice of Funding Opportunity to provide grants to assist in the development or improvement of tourism attractions that increase the economic impact of tourism throughout the State. Grantees must be able to match grant dollars as described in the NOFO. The Tourism Attractions Grant program is part of a broader effort underway to help reinvigorate tourism in Illinois, and help the tourism industry on a path to economic recovery and welcome more visitors to Illinois. Grants up to $500,000 will be awarded to develop and enhance Illinois tourism attractions.
More information here: