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This letter is a notification about a grant opportunity.  IDOT recently launched its 2024 Illinois Transportation Extension Program, which will award up to $3 million to address the following categories in need:

Pedestrian/bicycle facilities (on-road and off-road); sidewalks

Conversion of abandoned railroad corridors to trails

Historic preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities

Vegetation management in transportation rights-of-way

Archaeological activities relating to impacts from the implementation of a transportation project

Stormwater management, control, and water pollution prevention or abatement related to highway construction or due to highway runoff

Reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality or restore and maintain connectivity among terrestrial or aquatic habitats

Construction of Turnouts, Overlooks, and Viewing Areas

IDOT will accept applications for ITEP beginning on August 1, 2024 with the deadline for application submittals on September 30, 2024.  For more information on eligibilty and grant process, please visit:


If there are any questions, contact IDOT at

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