The Capital Development Board<> is holding a free informational outreach session at Kankakee Community College on Wednesday, June 26 from 9:30 a.m. - noon.
The event is for local contractors and businesses to learn more about opportunities available through government construction contracts. It includes information on pre-qualifying as a government contractor; how to bid on CDB projects; and what qualifies a business for diversity certification as Minority Business Enterprise, Women Business Enterprise, Veteran Business Enterprise and Persons with Disability Business Enterprise.
In addition to construction businesses, the CDB recommends the session to purchasing officers from school districts and municipalities.
Although the event is free, participants are asked to register at<>. The session will be in KCC's Advanced Technology Education Center, Room T205. KCC is located at 100 College Drive in Kankakee.
The CDB is a state agency responsible for overseeing the construction of state-owned buildings. It allocates approximately $1.2 billion annually across roughly 700 projects.
Kankakee Community College is an accredited two-year college which awards associate degrees and certificates of completion. KCC prepares students both to transfer to four-year colleges and to enter the workforce. The college also offers continuing education courses and certification training, literacy programs, English as a Second Language and GED preparation. The KCC mission is "Enhancing quality of life through learning." The college has a Riverfront Campus in Kankakee, South Extension Center in Watseka, North Extension Center in Bradley and Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Center in Kankakee.
More KCC news and photos are available at our Newsroom<>, and on Facebook<>, Twitter<> and YouTube<>. Official college logos<> are available online.
Kari Nugent
Vice president for advancement, marketing, and public relations