The Salvation Army of Kankakee’s Toy Drive is collecting new toys for children ages 0 -
15 years for Christmas. Drop off locations include The Salvation Army of Kankakee, Kia
of Bradley, Bill Kay Honda, Bourbonnais and Kankakee Walmart, all Midland Bank
locations, and CSL Plasma. Collections begin Tuesday, November 12 th .
“This year we anticipate serving over 400 children throughout Kankakee County for
Christmas.” says Lieutenant LaToya Surratt, head of the Salvation Army of Kankakee,
“We would like to provide each child with 1 large ticket item and 2 smaller ticker items.
With this goal in mind, we are in need of 5,000 to 6,000 new, unwrapped toys.”
If your organization would like to participate in The Salvation Army Toy Drive contact
Alvy Butler, Director of Social Ministries,
If your family is in need of toys for Christmas, please sign up at
Help The Salvation Army make a difference in someone’s life and spread the joy of
Christmas this holiday season.
For more information on donating coats, opportunities at the Kettle or to schedule a
time and location to “ring the bell” or to find out how to give, contact Lt. LaToya Surratt
at 815-933-8421 or email Interested
individuals are also welcome to register online at